* TOC object
* @typedef {Array.<{
* name: string,
* gid: number,
* richTextValueBuilder: GoogleAppsScript.Spreadsheet.RichTextValueBuilder
* }>} TOCBuild
* Build a TOC object from the passed book
* @param {GoogleAppsScript.Spreadsheet.Spreadsheet} book
* @returns {TOCBuild}
function tocBuilder_(book = SpreadsheetApp.getActive()) {
return book
.map((sheet) => ({
name: sheet.getName(),
gid: sheet.getSheetId(),
(item) => (
(item.richTextValueBuilder = createRichTextValueLink_(
* Update the specific Range with the TOC object
* @param {TOCBuild} tocBuild
* @param {GoogleAppsScript.Spreadsheet.Range} range
* @returns {GoogleAppsScript.Spreadsheet.Range} The updated range
function tocUpdater_(tocBuild, range) {
.getRange(range.getRow(), range.getColumn(), tocBuild.length, 1)
tocBuild.map((item) => [item.richTextValueBuilder.build()])
* Create a RichTextValueBuilder with the text and the linkUrl
* @param {string} text
* @param {string} linkUrl
* @returns {GoogleAppsScript.Spreadsheet.RichTextValueBuilder}
function createRichTextValueLink_(text, linkUrl) {
return SpreadsheetApp.newRichTextValue().setText(text).setLinkUrl(linkUrl);
/* global tocBuilder_ tocUpdater_*/
* Runs the snippet.
* Generates a TOC to 'Sheet27!B2' without 'Sheet27' item.
function run() {
const excludeSheetNames = ['Sheet27'];
const book = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const tocBuild = tocBuilder_(book).filter(
(item) => excludeSheetNames.indexOf(item.name) === -1
const range = book.getRange('Sheet27!B2:B').clearContent();
tocUpdater_(tocBuild, range);
* Create menu for handy use
function onOpen() {
.createMenu('Apps Script Snippets')
.addItem('Generate TOC', 'run')