Open an url in browser
This snippet shows how to open a link using Apps Script in a browser. As a particular example it shows how to get/create a file and open it in browser. This may not always work as browsers protect tabs from opening spontaneously.
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- Create script from the snippet *See how to use scrviz for clone Apps Script project
* @file
* @url
* Create menu
function onOpen() {
.createMenu('My tools')
.addItem('Open my Sheet in a new tab', 'userActionOpenMyFile')
.addItem('Open the url from active cell in a new tab', 'userActionOpenUrl')
* User action
function userActionOpenMyFile() {
const file = DriveApp.getFileById(
* User action
function userActionOpenUrl() {
const url = SpreadsheetApp.getCurrentCell().getValue();
* Open the url in a new tab
* @param {string} url
function openUrlInBrowser_(url) {
const tmp = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('app');
tmp.url = url;
const htmlOutput = tmp.evaluate();
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModelessDialog(htmlOutput, 'Opening url ...');
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top" />
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=" />
<div id="message"></div>
const url = <?= url ?>;
const newWin =, "_blank");
if(!newWin || newWin.closed || typeof newWin.closed=='undefined'){
document.getElementById("message").innerHTML =
'Pop-ups blocked! <a href="" target="_blank">Enable</a>.';
} else {;
"timeZone": "Europe/Moscow",
"dependencies": {},
"exceptionLogging": "STACKDRIVER",
"runtimeVersion": "V8"